
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Status Report

So I promised I would keep you guys updated with my New Years Resolutions. I have to say I have been very bad at this. I have started eating a little healthier, just adding a lot more fruits and vegetables into my meals. As for the gym I have not joined yet, but I am going to next week. I was waiting till I got back from Disneyland (we are leaving Thursday) and when I start school back up again so I have a set routine. As for accessorizing, I haven't really left the house in a couple of days so we are going to say I have negative progress with that. Again I will start more when school starts again. So that leaves driving stick.

I would say I am getting a lot better. I only kill the engine about once every time I go out. And no one has honked or complained about it yet. So that's good. But tonight, coming home from work was quite the experience. From work to home is only about a 6-7 minute car ride depending on traffic and if you hit all green lights. I pull up to a stoplight and there was a cop across the way. He was in the turn lane but he didn't turn. I was getting anxious, as any new driver would. We sat at that green light for a good three minutes until I realized my lights weren't on! Once I turned my lights on the cop switched the lights and gave us a green. I was so upset/scared at my self that the next light I was sitting in the turn lane I didn't notice the light turned green and when I noticed I was too quick with the clutch and killed the engine (luckily no one was behind me). So lesson learned. Also turn your lights on!

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