
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Saturday, Saturday

This last Saturday started off by going to a philanthropy event Kyle's fraternity was participating in. This event had different fraternities match up in a flag football tournament. It was fun to watch but unfortunately Kyle's team lost both games. The weather was very strange. It was pouring rain and just when Kyle's game started the sun came out and it actually got pretty warm. I took off my rain coat and jacket!
The picture was far away because I couldn't see what my phone was actually taking a picture of. Kyle is the on in the middle.

After the football game we went back to the second day of the SEC grand opening just because I wanted to see what else there was to do. We could have screen printed T-shirts in the craft center but the line was too long. The craft center also had a photo booth so we did that instead. 

And lastly Kyle's fraternity was putting on their first official party. The theme was "Sexy Joggers and Rugged Loggers." Kyle and I thought it would be funny if we reversed the roles. So we hit up the Goodwill and got Kyle some running shorts and sweatbands. He was going for the 1970's runner look. I got a pair of suspenders and borrowed one of Kyle's flannel shirts and put on some hiking boots. I think our outfits were the best. It was funny because a lot of the guys dressed as joggers and a lot of the girls that showed up were "loggers", the actually just wore a flannel. One girl was wearing cowboy boots. I think she was confused that a cowboy and a logger are different.

Busy Busy

Wow, have I been busy. I have a bunch of pictures for the next couple of posts, just to keep you guys updated!

Friday was the first day of the grand opening for the Student Experience Center (SEC), where the Beaver's Digest head quarters is located. So I spend a lot of time there. The whole 4th floor houses all of Orange Media Network. This includes: KBVR TV and KBVR FM, Beaver's Digest, Prism Magazine, and the Barometer. Since I work with Beaver's Digest I volunteered to run our information booth on Friday. It was a long day but here are some pictures I took there.

This is Lauren and Jodie at our booth.

This is Maria and me wearing our one of a kind Beaver's Digest shirts.

Even Benny the Beaver came to visit!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

I Made Art

So yesterday was Kyle and my's 6 month anniversary. Now I'm not much into anniversaries but I feel at my age and for never having been in a relationship before, 6 months is something to celebrate. So we decided to go to the Mexican restaurant where we had our first date. It was a lot of fun but we had to go later in the evening because Kyle had a midterm at 7pm. But once we got there we were so hungry we ate two bowls of chips and then I was full when my nachos came. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of that. 

For today's picture I have a picture of my "art." My homework for my New Media Futures class was to make "art" and bring it in. I had totally forgotten until my friend who is also in the class reminded me at 2:30. I was leaving the SEC when I saw my friend Prachet in the lobby and he told me his friend was playing with water colors at the Craft Center, which is in the basement of the SEC. So I call Lauren, the one whose in my class, and I tell her we are going to play with water colors! So this is my beautiful art work that I will be presenting in class.

Sunny Days in Corvallis

Wow, I am terrible at posting. I had pictures in mind I just didn't have the time to post them and then my email was going crazy, it was just a terrible experience. Anyways this weekend was so beautiful in Corvallis. It was about 75 degrees more or less so we decided to take our studying outside! I also wanted to work on my tan. I never realized how hard it was to study outside, especially when you live across the street from a frat house. There are all these noises and cars and bikers, too much noise to fully study.

The second picture is Kyle. He sat in my lawn chair and it broke!

I added two pictures because of the late posts. I don't have anything for Monday but I had a terrible midterm. Basically the format of the test was we were given five essay questions and had to pick two and write a five paragraph essay for both in 50 minutes. Oh and he wanted us to use examples and cite our readings. Do you really think I had every reading memorized? Not even five minutes into the test a girl runs, picks up the trash can and runs to the bathroom puking. She didn't look sick or drunk or hungover, I'm pretty sure she was just nervous. So that's how my Monday went!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

My Boring Life

Sorry for not posting for a couple days. I've had two midterms this week and one on Monday so I've been studying. So today is a picture of me studying! Instead of enjoying the 75 degree weather I'm stuck inside learning about media effects. Anyways wish me luck! This midterm is going to be scary. We get 50 minutes to write two five paragraph essays and we won't know the topics till we get there!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

My First Massage

Week one was pretty stressful for me, I'm finally taking all upper division classes and my first time taking a 400 level class. So I got pretty stressed out. My lovely boyfriend, Kyle, saw how stressed I was and treated me to a massage. Well today was massage day! The massage came with a complimentary sanctuary package which included a steam room, rainfall shower, and a lounge room with snacks! It was awesome. The massage was awesome. The shower was awesome. Everything was awesome. I wish I could go back every day! No phones were allowed in the spa but I snuck this selfie in the bathroom.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Softball Practice

Saw I didn't post yesterday because I was busy but I did have a picture I wanted to post. So instead of posting for today, Monday, I will be posting for yesterday, Sunday. I recently joined an intermural slow pitch softball team. Mind you I have never played softball in my life and I'm not very good at land sports so I'm not sure why I decided to do this! Anyways we had our first practice yesterday. Although the weather said it was 61 degrees it felt much warmer. After practice we just sat in the grass and caught some rays. This picture was taken from my friend Prachet's Snapchat so that's why it isn't the greatest quality.

I don't have a picture for today because I went to class, came home, ate lunch, and then took a nap until 5:30! So I didn't do much.

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Today Kyle and I went into Albany to go to Target to return something I bought online. While there we decided to wander through the mall. First we see this super nice Corvette, then we see about ten more Corvettes. It was awesome. Kyle loved it because Corvettes are his favorite car. The cars were all there because it was the 50th anniversary for the car and the Corvette club brought their cars to show off.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Spring is Here!

On my walk home from class today I saw this tree. It was beautiful! It reminds me that Spring is finally here. Even though its still freezing and raining. I had to mess with the exposure on this picture because like I said earlier my phone camera is terrible! Anyways, I can't wait until May because Corvallis in the Spring is the most beautiful place on the planet!

I took this picture at about 11 am. It is now about 5 pm and the sky is dark and gray, it looks like its going to rain.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Mexican Casserole

Today I made a casserole. It has brown rice, salsa, re fried beans, corn, chilies, spinach, and cheese. It's actually not that bad for you,it's only 8 points per serving on the Weight Watchers point scale! If you want the recipe let me know and I can post it.
Today was interesting. I had to tell two girls to be quiet during lecture, went to the bookstore twice, almost got hit in my car from an aggressive driver in a Jeep, and spent my gift card at Ulta. Hope everyone's day was better than mine!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Photo a Day Challenge

Wow, long time no post. I learned that blogging is hard. It is especially hard when you have a busy life and don't know what to write about! I wanted to get back into posting more frequently so I've decided to do a photo challenge. I will take and post a picture every day for the next month. If that goes well, I'll extend the deadline! Keep in mind, I am not a photographer so these won't be the greatest pictures and I will most likely be taking pictures on my phone which does not have the greatest quality. Hope you guys like the idea!

Today's photo: my friend Lauren and I went to the video game lab on campus and had to play a computer game for class credit! I don't remember what the game was called but it was about a guy named Stanley and there was a British narrator. It was a pretty fun game!